The subject of Humanities incorporates both History and Geography. In Humanities we focus on developing pupils:
Safe exploration of environments.
- Understanding of the world around them and their place in it.
- Life skills that enable them to be part of their local community.
- Understanding of other people; similarities and differences past and present.
For our formal curriculum learners we also focus on National Curriculum outcomes for years 1-3 in KS 2-3.
Our pupils learning difficulties mean they are functioning well below their chronological age and therefore the teaching of Humanities is largely based on an Early Years approach up to the end of KS1. This means aspects of History and Geography are incorporated under the broad heading of ‘The World Around Us’ and are covered via a topic approach. Learning goals in EYFS and KS1 are based on addressing pupils barriers to learning. This will support them in making academic progress and moving towards a more formal, subject based curriculum in KS2 or 3 if right, relevant and realistic for them.
Pupils in KS2 who are informal learners work in a non-subject specific way. For these learners they are working towards developing their skills within the 5 areas of engagement. During topic-based lessons informal learners will focus on developing their exploration, realisation, anticipation, persistence and initiation via a sensory-based curriculum.
Semi-Formal learners in KS2 have subject specific learning for English and Maths, but other subject areas are covered via a topic-based curriculum. There is a rolling programme of topics and each term there are themes within each topic. These themes support our semi-formal learners to develop their skills and understanding of Humanities through ‘The World Around Us’. Progress for semi-formal learners is based on addressing their barriers to learning. This will support them in making academic progress and moving towards a more formal, subject based curriculum later in KS2 or 3 if right, relevant and realistic for them.
For formal learners within KS2, Humanities is also delivered via a topic-based approach. Within the topic there are themes and each theme has teaching and learning opportunities that are either geographical, historical or both. Each theme within the rolling programme of topics enables formal learners to make progress in the National Curriculum for geography and history within Year 1-2. This enables our learners, who all have severe learning difficulties, to make progress at their level via a right, relevant and realistic curriculum.
For informal learners in KS3 their curriculum is non-subject specific. During Humanities lesson their learning focuses on developing their skills within the 5 areas of engagement via sensory based learning.
For semi-formal and formal learners in KS3 Humanities is taught via a subject specific approach. For semi-formal learners progress focuses on removing barriers to learning to ensure pupils can make progress and move towards developing their skills and knowledge within National Curriculum year 1 once ready. For formal learners learning and progress is based on the outcomes for the National Curriculum Year 1-3.
Humanities is not taught as a stand-alone curriculum subject in KS4 or 5 but is incorporated into Community Access at KS4 and Town Skills at KS5. During these lessons pupils learn important skills regarding road safety, use of public transport and public interactions as well as the countryside and Highway Code as relevant to them. This is a very important aspect of their learning as they move into adulthood and enable them to become as independent as possible.
The link to our Humanities Subject Intent is here