Mill Ford School


At Mill Ford school we believe that education is essential for all and to achieve their full potential children need to attend regularly and punctually. Non attendance at school is an important issue that must be treated promptly  and seriously. In all cases of non-attendance, it is essential that early action is taken.

The Governors, Headteacher and staff acknowledge that there is a strong correlation between good attendance and pupils making progress.

Attendance at Mill Ford School.

This overview is intended to summarise our attendance policy and provide you with important information regarding our attendance procedures and the actions we are required to take in the event of irregular attendance.

The Figures

  • 96%  This is our school target for student attendance.
  • 90%  This equates to your child missing half a day a week – every week.
  • 85% National research shows that children who attend less than 85% of the time do significantly less well at school.

The law states that every child must receive suitable education appropriate to their age, ability, and needs. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to make sure that that their children of statutory school age are receiving an education.

Compulsory school age is defined as the start of term following a child's fifth birthday until the last Friday in June following their 16th birthday.

Families have a primary role in the attendance of pupils.  Help your child get into a regular routine or going to bed and getting up and having breakfast as tired children aren’t punctual and find it hard to learn.

There may be times when your child doesn't attend school. This will fall into two categories,

It is the school’s decision  which category to record an absence as.

The school will not authorise absences in the following circumstances:

  1. Where no explanation is given.
  2. For extended visits overseas.
  3. For holidays in term time. (unless in exceptional circumstances).
  4. For leisure days out.
  5. In other cases, where it is deemed there is no reasonable explanation.

 If your child is ill or absent for any reason, you need to contact the school on the first day of absence and inform the school of the reason. If no contact is made the office staff will attempt to make contact with you.

If unable to contact on the first day and your child is absent again, an attempt will be made to contact emergency contacts for further information.

Failing this a ‘Safe and Well’ visit will be made. In no one is at home , every attempt will be made to find further information from neighbours.

If no progress is made, contact will be made with the education welfare service and report the child s missing education.