Mill Ford School


Prior to Starting at Mill Ford:

  • Tour of the school.
  • School to contact parents and current placement to arrange a visit.
  • Class teacher to visit the current placement and to check assessment information.
  • Transitions programme set up with parents, current placement and Mill Ford School that is personalised to what is best for the child.

Transitions Programme:

  • Tailored to each individual child.
  • Some pupils will require a longer transition than others.
  • Transitions will always be arranged with the parents and staff at the current placement.
  • Transitions visits will be supported by staff from the current placement.
  • Visits will increase in duration and frequency as the programme progresses as suitable to the individual.

Within seven weeks of entry:

  • An assessment of the child’s ability will be carried out.
  • Pupil interim targets for the year ahead will be set (in line with their EHCP).

Within the first term:

A new starter meeting for parents will be scheduled to discuss settling in.


Moving on From Mill Ford School:

To see our Parents Transition document, that go through transition step by step, please click this link.  For our pupil friendly version please go to the pupil section of this website.

Transition for students is discussed from Year 9 upwards with students and parents encouraged to consider next steps and plan for the future. On arrival into Post 16 this forms a core discussion in the Annual Reviews and Preparing for Adulthood Outcomes are written to support a pathway to their future destination.

At Mill Ford we work closely with CSW Group, local colleges and adult social care to support students transition from school. Regular meetings are held during the year a student leaves to ensure a plan is in place and a smooth transition occurs. We support outside agencies from both college and social care to work alongside us in school to build relationships with students and to share knowledge of individuals. Transition arrangements are individualised to suit the needs of the individual students. This includes regular visits to new placements supported by school staff and staff from the new settings coming in to school.

We strive for our students to be the best they can be and so work closely with the local colleges to ensure that students are placed on relevant courses that will further their achievements.

We are part of the Plymouth City Council transition forum, which works together to ensure that transitions are managed successfully into City College and other educational establishments as appropriate to the individual. This forum meets at least once a term and general issues as well individual cases are discussed.

During KS5, where appropriate students attend a Link Course at City College Plymouth to allow them to make an informed decision about their next stage in education and also to ensure that the college and students are familiarised before transition starts.

Where students choose an alternative provision we support visits to these settings and we have good contacts with local providers, assisted by attending the SEN 14-25 Preparing for Adulthood briefings held once a term. For students who are likely to opt for a social care package we aim for the students to take part in community activities and clubs to familiarise them with what they will be doing with care providers.

To find out where our pupils move onto please click the link below:

Destinations 2020-2024