Mill Ford School


Mill Ford School reviewed its school uniform in line with parents wishes. The school council were also consulted. Following advice from the Speech and Language service parents, students and the school agreed to keep the colours of the day to aid children's understanding of the days of the week. However, to support with the cost of this it was agreed that we would have a single colour for the sweatshirt / jumper. Although, keen to change some colours parents agreed to keep them all, as student council felt the colours should remain those the children already knew.  Also to help with expense, and the fact the colours are to support learning, the school agreed to pay for one set of t-shirts, a PE kit and a jumper for those in receipt of FSM. We also have a small amount of second hand uniform available. 

Pupils at Mill Ford School wear a school uniform. 

The uniform consists of:

  • Any black or dark grey trousers / skirt.
  • Any t-shirts or polo shirts in the colour of the day - please see the table below.
  • Any dark grey sweatshirt,  jumper or cardigan. 
  • Any black shorts and white t-shirt for PE.
  • Any swimming kit.

Sweatshirts, polo shirts and other items with the School logo can be ordered using the link below - your order can be delivered directly to you or to School. If you choose to have the order delivered to school,  we will send it home with your child when it has arrived. 

Mill Ford School Uniform

Alternatively, dark grey sweatshirts / jumpers and coloured t-shirts / Polo Shirts can be purchased without the School logo from any supermarket or online; as can the school PE and swimming kit.

The colours of the day must be clearly visible at the neck of the jumper / sweatshirt, Therefore, if your child prefers a t-shirt, their grey sweatshirt / jumper should be V-neck.


Week day  T-Shirt/Polo Shirt colour
Monday Yellow
Tuesday Blue
Wednesday Red
Thursday Green
Friday Purple

You can view the School Uniform Protocol here or in school policies under important documents above.